Old Violet

Reminiscent of deep Parma violets or blue lavender, Old Violet is a lovely 18th century color. It is a wonderful color to use on its own, most notably on the inside of furniture – like the lining of a jacket. It is also lovely used as a base for an overlay of neutral color, such as Paris Grey or Country Grey.

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 32 oz. – Old Violet – Click to Buy 4 oz. – Old Violet – Click to Buy 


A simple French side table with a marble top has been painted in Old Violet with Country Grey on the top and on a band below, making what was a rather heavy uncharacterful piece rather charming


Old Violet painted as the base coat to Paris Grey to provide colour and the anchor it down, with some Old White to lift it.


ADD OLD WHITE-to make ‘Schinkel’Add 2 parts of Old White to 1 part of Old Violet and you get a greyed taupe named after a great 18th century German architect called SCHINKEL


ADD MORE OLD WHITE – to make ‘Colombe’Add 8 parts of Old White to 1 part of Old Violet for a soft grey like the underbelly of a dove, so it’s called in French, COLOMBE

Old Violet works well with the following colours


Emperor’s SIlk


Paris Grey